
Archive for the ‘Clothes for men’ Category

Business Casual Tips for Men

Don’t be a business casual casualty! I cringe every time I see a man walk into an office in a baseball cap, t-shirt and jeans. How can you be taken seriously in a professional environment if you look like you are on your way to a baseball game? How can you ask for a raise in flip flops? Many companies have gone to a business casual dress code in recent years. The problem is that few men really understand what that means or, more importantly, what it doesn’t mean. Read more…

Men Dress for Success (Battleground Workplace)

October 4, 2008 1 comment

The workplace is competitive and most men are looking for an edge. Whether eyeing that promotion or yearning to add a couple of extra zeros to your paycheck, you have to look the part to get what you want! Read more…

Giorgenti Takes the Challenge: Why Are Our Custom Shirts the Best?

September 4, 2008 Leave a comment

We Make a Unique Pattern for Each Customer

We don’t retrofit a stock shirt to the customer’s neck and sleeve measurements or simply adjust a standard pattern to your Size.  We create a unique dress shirt pattern for every customer based on their measurements and total body proportions Read more…