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Custom Dress Shirts for Successful Attorneys

July 11, 2011

As an attorney, it is necessary to stand out and make a statement. This does not just happen when you open your mouth to speak; as a matter of fact, your outfit already makes a statement even before you speak. Your clients quickly form their opinions and decide whether you would go the extra mile for them or if you are too conservative and timid, simply from your outfit choice. The importance of your outfit cannot be overemphasized.

Nothing portrays success and competence like Custom dress shirts for successful attorneys. You will often be scrutinized and evaluated from your first appearance. The first impression you make either on your clients or the jury would be a long lasting one and is often the image that rests with them throughout your engagement. You clients need to know that you can be trusted to handle their sensitive cases; the jury needs to feel like you can be trusted and they can take you at your word. This will often come across at one glance and your outfit is what makes it happen.

Dress shirt is an important element of your outfit. However, finding just the right shirts that achieve that balance between success and trust is a huge challenge for a lot of attorneys. You do not want a shirt that is too loud; what you need is a shirt that provides understated elegance. You need custom dress shirts for successful attorneys. The problem with most off the rack dress shirts is that they do not have that perfect fit that is so essential in portraying a well put together professional. Moreover, some people are hard to fit and buying off the rack just won’t cut it. In order to get a tailored shirt that fits the image you want to project, which also fits you perfectly and is affordable, the best choice you can make would be to order Custom dress shirts for successful attorneys.

Custom dress shirts are created specifically for you. They are made to fit not just your build and physic but are also made to incorporate your personal style and no one does custom tailored shirts better than Giorgenti. With Giorgenti, it does not matter if you are hard to fit as all the shirts are tailored to perfectly fit your unique body. Giorgenti Custom dress shirts are crafted from the finest fabrics and fit you better than any shirt you might buy off the rail.

As a rule, Custom dress shirts  do not come cheap and are often more expensive than retail store shirts. However, because Giorgenti has direct access to textile mills, you get the benefit of owning custom made shirts for successful attorneys at very competitive prices.

An added benefit to purchasing your custom made shirts from Giorgenti is the free online image consultant. You can get specific advice on what color of shirt would work best for you depending on the particular occasion. Furthermore, other unique factors about you are taken into consideration including your skin tone and the color of your eyes. Not sure what to wear for that important meeting with a new client? No need to get upset, simply check the Giorgenti online image consultant or call for your own personal image consultation and go confidently to your meeting in one of your custom tailored shirts for successful attorneys.