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Custom Dress Shirts Are the Answer to Your Wardrobe Problems

July 11, 2011

The Perfect Fitting Dress Shirt

Wouldn’t it be just great to randomly pick a store, walk in off the street, and find a shirt that you love that fits you perfectly?  The reality of shopping is often much harsher.  You find a shirt you love, but you hate the color.  The one that really inspires you disappoints you, as the sleeves are too short when you try it on.  Searching the aisles again, you come up with another choice that is too tight across your stomach.  Shopping seems like it should be so easy, yet, guess again?  Nope – shopping is often an enormously frustrating pain in the neck!  There is however a simple solution – tailor-made dress shirts!  Hooray!      

custom dress shirts
A Well-Fitted Dress Shirt Exudes Confidence

Buying Custom Made Shirts is the Answer to your Fit Challenges       

To solve your shopping dilemma, think outside the box.  The traditional retailer “box,” that is. Why waste so much time and energy, only to compromise and end up with a few shirts you don’t really like, or feel uncomfortable wearing?  There are almost limitless choices available for you to peruse at your leisure.  But where exactly are these treasure troves of fabulously fantastic wardrobe options hiding, you ask?  The answer is simple – online!  You will find that a perfect fit and your choice of styles, colors, and fabrics are all available when you purchase custom dress shirts online.

Shopping Online for Custom-Made Dress Shirts is Convenient and Easy

Traditional Retail Stores Just Don’t Get It!

What are your wardrobe problems?  Come on; be honest with yourself, because believe it or not, solutions can be found for all of them.  Are you taller than average?  Do you feel swallowed by your shirts because you are a shorter man?  Are you thick through the stomach area?  Perhaps you are very tall and skinny.  BTW…Who exactly is this Mr. Perfect Fit, the “average man” that the off-the-rack shirts are designed for?  Has anyone seen him?  Does he even exist?  Do traditional retailers really think that all men are created equal?  Well, we’re not!  But, don’t despair, because help is only a click away and you will no longer need to compromise, wearing ill-fitting, uncomfortable clothing ever again.  Custom  dress shirts are stylish and always up-to-date, so they instill in you an air of confidence and vitality.  Not to mention the comfort…Ahhh!

Custom-Made Shirts Offer You Fit, Style and Selection

Look and Feel Great in Your Custom-Made Dress Shirt

When you know you look great, there is extra bounce in your step.  You smile a bit brighter, and no longer shy away from situations that could become awkward when your clothes don’t fit well.  From the morning’s first meeting, to the candlelight dinner with your sweetheart, you will have no doubts that you look marvelous.  You invested time and money in your education, and now you invest time and energy in your career.  You take the time to work out and try to live a healthier lifestyle.  You put your heart and soul into your business and personal relationships.  All the more reasons to make a great impression by having your wardrobe work for you.  Dressed in your new selection of custom tailored shirts, you look smart, feel invigorated and energized. Whatever your body type, the fit is sheer perfection.  Not only will you look fantastic, but you’ll receive great compliments, too – The ultimate satisfaction!

Janine Giorgenti

Janine Giorgenti is passionate about helping professional men achieve a successful image. A fourth-generation Italian-American Designer, her custom dress shirts are made with Old-World craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology. Janine’s online store Best Custom Shirt has been rated #1 by The Wall Street Journal.