
Archive for July, 2011

What to Wear to Win the Case for Male Attorneys

  • How to create the right image to win the case.
  • What is a good “Law Suit”?
  • What to wear for your area of concentration?
  • The subliminal messages of color.
  • How to pull together a winning wardrobe?
  • How to turn business casual into power casual?
  • How to accessorize your suit.


Make your Case with a Winning Image

Before you utter a single word, your clothing has already spoken for you. Read more…

Categories: Uncategorized

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Categories: Uncategorized

Dressing for Success

When you look into your closet the morning of that important meeting, what do you see? Do you have confidence in the choices that you find there? If not, adding a selection of Having Custom dress shirts can help you dress worry-free so that you can focus on the more important aspects of the day. First impressions are important. Don’t allow your wardrobe to be a liability. Read more…

Dress for Success by Wearing Custom Dress Shirts

First impressions are everything. How you come across in your appearance and dress can make the difference between landing that new job or closing a big deal. Taking the time to make sure your appearance is equivalent to what you have to offer mentally is essential in how to dress for success.  Custom dress shirts can make dressing for success simple. Read more…

Custom Tailored Shirts for Your New Career

Dress for Success


So, you just landed the big job at the high-powered company!  You worked hard to secure this, with years of schooling and months of interviews and meetings.  As you prepare for your first day on the job, you realize that the rest of the guys in the office look like they just stepped out of the pages of GQ.  You spend a few days trying on ill-fitting, boring shirts at all the department stores in the mall and even venture into the more high-end shops, but still, nothing.  You realize it is time to explore having custom made tailored shirts . Read more…

Custom Dress Shirts for Successful Attorneys

As an attorney, it is necessary to stand out and make a statement. This does not just happen when you open your mouth to speak; as a matter of fact, your outfit already makes a statement even before you speak. Your clients quickly form their opinions and decide whether you would go the extra mile for them or if you are too conservative and timid, simply from your outfit choice. The importance of your outfit cannot be overemphasized. Read more…

Custom Dress Shirts Are the Answer to Your Wardrobe Problems

The Perfect Fitting Dress Shirt

Wouldn’t it be just great to randomly pick a store, walk in off the street, and find a shirt that you love that fits you perfectly?  The reality of shopping is often much harsher.  You find a shirt you love, but you hate the color.  The one that really inspires you disappoints you, as the sleeves are too short when you try it on.  Searching the aisles again, you come up with another choice that is too tight across your stomach.  Shopping seems like it should be so easy, yet, guess again?  Nope – shopping is often an enormously frustrating pain in the neck!  There is however a simple solution – tailor-made dress shirts!  Hooray!       Read more…