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Business Casual Tips for Men

December 5, 2008

Don’t be a business casual casualty! I cringe every time I see a man walk into an office in a baseball cap, t-shirt and jeans. How can you be taken seriously in a professional environment if you look like you are on your way to a baseball game? How can you ask for a raise in flip flops? Many companies have gone to a business casual dress code in recent years. The problem is that few men really understand what that means or, more importantly, what it doesn’t mean.

Well, let me help you to sort through the jargon and get to the nuts and bolts. Business casual does not mean weekend wear. You should still look neat and professional, you just don’t have to wear a suit coat and tie. The specific guidelines will depend on your industry and your company’s dress code. In professions where a suit and tie is the standard, a dress-down day could allow you to ditch the tie and trade in your suit jacket for a sport coat. For industries that require a little less formal dress, a button-down dress shirt and khakis or chinos would be appropriate.

Here are some basic dos and don’ts to help you stay on track:


Do keep your appearance neat and professional. Casual does not mean sloppy. Your clothes should be clean, pressed and free of stains.

Buy a specific wardrobe for dress-down days. Many people either have conservative business attire or weekend wear. Casual days require something a little more in between.

Wear a belt. I shouldn’t have to say this, but I see it all the time.

Wear leather, closed toe shoes (no sandals). Loafers are acceptable.

Keep a sports coat and tie in the office in case a client or high-level exec stops in for an unexpected meeting.


Don’t wear sneakers, athletic shoes or sports apparel. If you would wear it to the gym, it is not appropriate for the office

–  No clothing with holes, tears, or stains—period.

–  No hats or baseball caps, T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, flip-flops, etc. This is fine for spending a weekend at home, but it does not project a professional image at work.

Don’t wear clothing that is too tight or baggy. No one wants to see your belly peaking out from between your buttons or the top of your boxers peering over khakis that are two sizes too big.

The best thing to keep in mind is that your clothing is a projection of you. In a crowded office meeting, you may not have the opportunity to speak, but your clothing does it for you. Dressing too casual in the workplace projects a poor image and gives the impression that you do not take your job seriously. A crisp, button-down shirt and nice pair of slacks on the other hand, allows you to be comfortable and project a winning professional image.