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Men Dress for Success (Battleground Workplace)

October 4, 2008

The workplace is competitive and most men are looking for an edge. Whether eyeing that promotion or yearning to add a couple of extra zeros to your paycheck, you have to look the part to get what you want!

The General doesn’t wear the Private’s uniform!

If you want a high-level position… then dress the part! You will find it is a lot easier to attain the dream this way. Dress down or look like an “unmade bed,” and you can kiss that dream good-bye.

There are self-help books that advocate “visualizing success” to help you attain your goals, but who will take you seriously if you portray the wrong image? Success comes with proper packaging and presentation.

Clothing makes the man

As a men’s clothing designer and men’s image consultant for the past 20 years, I have been helping men achieve success by presenting a professional image. Does clothing make the man? Well, it certainly has helped the many Fortune 500 executives I have given wardrobe advice to.

Dress for Success Tips

This blog is designed to share dressing tips with you.

Each week I will post dressing tips, advice and client success stories. My goal is to share my knowledge and invite others to share theirs, so you can learn more about choosing professional attire that will give you the right image and is flattering, comfortable and well fitted.

The right clothing choices will boost your confidence, helping you to further your goals and aspirations. In addition, I promise you will receive tons of compliments.

  1. nick
    February 3, 2009 at 6:48 am

    Can I over-dress for my job/position? I am in senior management (director level) in an IT department at a high tech company. As with most hi tech companies, a lot of people wear jeans, etc. I would prefer to wear a suit, honestly, but that looks out of place. How do I “dress the part” without looking goofy, stuck-up or unapproachable.

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